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Super duper little pin badges by windsweptgirlie.

A choice of three designs, Sunflower, Rose or spiderweb. Or a set of three.

Tradidtionally sugar skulls (Calaveras) are created to celebrate the Día de Muertos in Mexico.

These Calaveras are created from one of my original illustrations and would look perfect on your jacket or pinned your bag.

A perfect posting gift.

Each brooch is hand cut from shrinky dink plastic so they can vary in size slightly, but are approx 4 cm in height.
They are coated with a clear acrylic coat to protect the finish and have a pin style fixing with a metal clutch.

They come attached to a printed recycled card, perfect for giving as a gift.


Sugar skull pin badge

PriceFrom £6.50
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    I am located in Cornwall, UK

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